[announce] TagLib 1.2 Release / taglib-devel mailing list

Scott Wheeler wheeler at kde.org
Wed Jul 28 22:49:05 CEST 2004

Hi folks,

TagLib 1.2 was released yesterday, with the announcements up in the relevant 

The most important new features are:

*) Added support for Ogg FLAC files
*) Added support for attached pictures in ID3v2 tags
*) Added support for relative volume adjustment in ID3v2 tags
*) Fixed interoperability with libid3tag ID3v2.4 tags

There's more info, including a pretty through changelog at:


Also, for those of you that are interested there is now a taglib-devel mailing 
list at:


I've dug up the list of folks that have emailed me recently (and that aren't 
to my knowledge subscribed to kde-multimedia) about TagLib.  I won't spam you 
in the future, but if you want to sign up for the list future announcements 
will go there.  This also means that future TagLib related questions should 
be directed there, rather than my inbox.  :-)

I expect the list to be rather low traffic -- guessing based on my inbox I'd 
say 10-ish messages a month.



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