Using Ctags in rkward

Martin Papenberg martin.papenberg at
Wed Oct 28 14:01:38 GMT 2020

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if it is possible to use Ctags in rkward or if anyone 
has already been able to make it work.

Some context: CTags is a tool that can make your text editor 
"understand" code. In particular, it can be used to jump from a function 
call to the function definition. I was trying to enable Ctags support in 
rkward using the Ctags plugin for Kate; in vanilla Kate, this worked for 
me. That is, when I open an R project in Kate, I can jump from a line 
where a function is called to the function definition, even across 
files. (It was necessary to first add R language support, which is 
however easily done, for example as described here: To me, this 
functionality is really useful, especially when developing an R package 
where I use many files to hold my R code.

In rkward, I can in principle activate the Ctags plugin, via *configure 
rkward -> Kate plugins*, but I did not find out how to actually use 
Ctags afterwards. In Kate, I could define key bindings for the Ctags 
plugin, but in rkward the "katectags" option is missing under the 
keybinding customization menu. So, to make Ctags work under rkward, I 
guess it would be necessary to include the "katectags" plugin options 
under the keybindings menu, if that is possible. In kate, the Ctags 
plugin can also be used when using the right mouse in the text editor, 
but this also seems not to be enabled in rkward.

I think that being able to use Ctags in rkward would be really great for 
R package development, and given that it is possible in Kate, it might 
also be possible to port this functionality to rkward? What do you guys 



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