[rkward-users] Select cases

Rebel Tyrcus rebel.tyrcus at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 09:12:01 UTC 2012

Hi all

I'm new to R and RKWard in my quest for getting rid of SPSS. I hope I
place my questions in the correct list.

1. I've read the article in the Journal of Statistical Software about
RKWard, but is there any manual out there explaning all the functions
in RKWArd with more detail?

2. Is there an option to select cases filtering by a variable with the
menus? I've seen you can code it with the "subset" expression, but I'm
new to R code as well...

3. Is there an option to recode or calculate to new variables in
different ones with the menus? I know there are the recode and compute
expressions, but I rather start using the menus until I learn how R
code works.

Thanks in advance.


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