[rkward-users] Problem compiling: cannot find -lgfortran

Germán Márquez Mejía manchito at gmail.com
Wed May 30 03:29:28 UTC 2007

Thank you very, very much.  That was the problem!

The package in question is gcc-gfortran, but it's only in the
Slackware-current repositories, not in the Slackware-11.0 ones.

Now, I'm facing another problem: when runing rkward it gives a message
about not finding the R library and then hangs.

This is the output:

kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::insertKAccel( kaccel = 0x8237348 ):
KAccel object already contains an action name "window_close"
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice
*** attempt to put segment in horiz list twice

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Copyright (C) 2007 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

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[Previously saved workspace restored]

Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.set.reply (NULL)'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment (".GlobalEnv"),
".GlobalEnv", envlevel=-1, namespacename="")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment
("package:stats"), "package:stats", namespacename="stats")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment
("package:graphics"), "package:graphics", namespacename="graphics")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment
("package:grDevices"), "package:grDevices", namespacename="grDevices")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment
("package:utils"), "package:utils", namespacename="utils")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment
("package:datasets"), "package:datasets", namespacename="datasets")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment
("package:methods"), "package:methods", namespacename="methods")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment ("Autoloads"),
"Autoloads", namespacename="")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment ("package:base"),
"package:base", namespacename="base")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Assert failed at robjectlist.cpp - function getGlobalEnv line 296
Assert failed at rkobjectlistview.cpp - function initialize line 150
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.structure (as.environment (".GlobalEnv"),
".GlobalEnv", envlevel=-1, namespacename="")'
- error message was: '(null)'
Command failed (other)
failed command was: '.rk.get.installed.packages ()[[1]]'
- error message was: '(null)'
Terminado (killed)

Any suggestions?

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