RKWard | YAML snippet started, Tables for RMardown added (abfc1136)

Thomas Friedrichsmeier (@tfry) noreply at kde.org
Sun Jun 19 08:40:09 BST 2022

Thomas Friedrichsmeier started a new discussion on rkward/RKWardYAML.xml: https://invent.kde.org/education/rkward/-/commit/abfc1136a75c5ac5da6cc663f186231babfa968f#note_471184

> +<snippets name="YAML R Markdown (RKWard)" filetypes="R Markdown" authors="RKWard Team" namespace="SnippetsYAML" license="BSD">

Would it make more sense to merge this into the markdown snippets? Or is there significantly more to come?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitLab: https://invent.kde.org/education/rkward/-/commit/abfc1136a75c5ac5da6cc663f186231babfa968f#note_471184
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