proposal to re-work the welcome page

meik michalke meik.michalke at
Tue Apr 5 19:06:03 BST 2022


i've talked about this with some of you off this list before, here's a 
proposal for all of you to consider and give feedback:

i think we should change the content of the welcome page to make it more 
useful. for my taste, there's too much text and we could probably turn it into 
more of a dashboard. i've thought about this for a while, asking myself what i 
would actually find useful here for my day to day work. this is what i came up 
with as a first sketch:

  - My recent script files                 - My recent workspaces
    - ...                                    - ...

  - My recent output
    - ...

  - Useful configuration                   - Documentation
    - RKWard add-ons: Settings->...          - RKWard for new users
    - R packages: Settings->...              - RKWard for R users
    - This page: Settings->...               - Trouble shooting / FAQ
                                             - RKWard add-ons

                                             - External links
                                               - Project homepage

the "- ..." should of course be replaced with the list of recently used files 
as are shown in the menus, respectively.

this would mean the page would somehow have to be generated dynamically at 
least during startup, even better at each event that changes the list of 
recently opened files.

i haven't thought about implementation at all, but rather about what i would 
like to see when i open RKWard. you probably have different or additional 
ideas for this, i'm sure it's worth brainstorming a little here. if there are 
additional topice we should cover in the documentation, that could also be 

not even sure about the two column layout, although it makes better use of the 
available space.

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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