RMarkdown preview
meik michalke
meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Sat Sep 29 14:16:39 BST 2018
Am Samstag, 29. September 2018, 14:18:22 CEST schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> As for "final" rendering, I figured a plugin might be the tool of
> choice? As it would likely include various output formats and options
> (not necessarily in a first version, of course). I wouldn't mind, if
> somebody else could take a look into this!
i can probably try something, if you you help me out from time to time. let's
start with how do i use the currently opened .Rmd file automatically in a
plugin? i think i haven't done something like that before.
> > two odd things i noticed:
> > - i couldn't freely resize the width of the preview, is that
> > intended?
> Works for me. There is a splitter between the two views, and you should
> be able to grab that and move it left or right. Can you confirm that
> this works?
hm, well that's a surprise. i saw the splitter before and it partly worked,
but it wouldn't let me resize the window part over a very limited threshold.
now when i tried again (restarted RKWard), it simply worked without limits.
> > - i wasn't able to use the scroll bar in the preview window, i.e., i
> > could only see the top of the document; it might have something to do
> > with focus? felt like there was an invisible layer on top of the
> > preview
> Hm. Also cannot reproduce. Can you select text inside the preview?
> Oh, wait, I can reproduce this, if and only if a status message (e.g.
> warnings/errors) has been generated. But no problem on a "clean"
> preview. Can you confirm this is the pattern you are seeing, too?
yes, same here. when i clode the preview and open it again, there's no message
about loaded packages and the scrollbar was usable. it wasn't before, just
like you saw.
btw, did you have a look at kile 3 yet? it was installed with kubuntu 18.04
and by default now also has a live preview of the compiled LaTeX document
you're editing. it uses synctex to jump to the part of the document where your
cursor is in the LaTeX file (i have no idea if that's possible with markdown
as well). more importantly, you can configure whether preview updates should
happen immediately after changes or only when you saved the file. very handy.
it also shows how previews are not only possible for HTML but also PDF in KF5,
which might be something to remember for future features and a good example to
get some inspiration from.
viele grüße :: m.eik
dipl. psych. meik michalke
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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