RMarkdown preview
Thomas Friedrichsmeier
thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Tue Oct 2 06:18:56 BST 2018
On Sat, 29 Sep 2018 15:16:39 +0200
meik michalke <meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de> wrote:
> Am Samstag, 29. September 2018, 14:18:22 CEST schrieb Thomas
> Friedrichsmeier:
> > As for "final" rendering, I figured a plugin might be the tool of
> > choice? As it would likely include various output formats and
> > options (not necessarily in a first version, of course). I wouldn't
> > mind, if somebody else could take a look into this!
> i can probably try something, if you you help me out from time to
> time. let's start with how do i use the currently opened .Rmd file
> automatically in a plugin? i think i haven't done something like that
> before.
Well, actually it wasn't possible until you wrote this... There is now
a pre-defined property "current_filename" that you can connect to. Take
a look at the Data->Sort plugin to get an idea how it can be used (that
one uses current_object to work on the currently edited data.frame, if
We may or may not want to limit the visibility of a "Render" plugin to
script windows, but that is something to worry about later.
> > Oh, wait, I can reproduce this, if and only if a status message
> > (e.g. warnings/errors) has been generated. But no problem on a
> > "clean" preview. Can you confirm this is the pattern you are
> > seeing, too?
> yes, same here. when i clode the preview and open it again, there's
> no message about loaded packages and the scrollbar was usable. it
> wasn't before, just like you saw.
Should be fixed, now.
> btw, did you have a look at kile 3 yet? it was installed with kubuntu
> 18.04 and by default now also has a live preview of the compiled
> LaTeX document you're editing. it uses synctex to jump to the part of
> the document where your cursor is in the LaTeX file (i have no idea
> if that's possible with markdown as well). more importantly, you can
> configure whether preview updates should happen immediately after
> changes or only when you saved the file. very handy.
That makes some sense. I'll try to remember to address that, once I'm
done fixing the most important bugs.
> it also shows how previews are not only possible for HTML but also
> PDF in KF5, which might be something to remember for future features
> and a good example to get some inspiration from.
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