Very long message strings in .po file rkwardplugins.po

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at
Fri Jan 27 11:05:05 UTC 2017


Thanks a lot for your feedback, and sorry about the grief we're
causing! I was in fact totally unaware of this issue, so far (we had
worried quite a bit about making it easier to translate rkward plugins,
but never spent a thought on i18n of the technical documentation).

In essence, the (most) problematic areas appear to the
<programlisting/> elements, and we use those quite a lot. Much of the
content of those areas is actually not translatable, of course, but
there are comments (and some labels) in between, which should be
translated. As a matter of fact, I think(TM), that almost all of those
comments and labels could reasonably be treated as separate translation
units, totally ignoring all the XML surrounding them in the

Hmm. Do you happen to know just how I could change the markup to
achieve just that?


On Fri, 27 Jan 2017 11:36:55 +0100
Jaap Woldringh <jjhwoldringh at> wrote:
> First, let me introduce myself:
> I am the Dutch translator of rkward, and am now translating the 
> rkwardplugin.po file.
> Several of the messages are very tedious to translate, but that's in
> the game when translating a handbook. I am not complaining about
> that, though many messages could have been written less longwindedly.
> Clearer for the reader, easier to  translate. Fortunately for me, is
> that now often I can translate the English sentences into Dutch in
> shorter, sometimes much shorter, sentences.
> What I am complaining of is messages like message #195 in said .po
> file, which for your convenience, and as an illustration of what I am
> talking about, I copy here, between ========- lines, and of which you
> don't have to read all lines, of course (just count them):
> =============
> <!DOCTYPE rkhelp>\n
> <document>\n
>          <summary>\n
> In this section, you'll put some short, very basic information about
> what the plugin does.\n
> This section will always show up on the very top of the help page.\n
>          </summary>\n
> \n
>          <usage>\n
> The usage section may contain a little more practical information. It
> does not explain all\n
> the settings in detail (that's done in the "settings" section),
> however.\n \n
> To start a new paragraph, insert an empty line, as shown above.\n
> This line, in contrast, will be in the same paragraph.\n
> \n
> In all sections you can insert some simple HTML code, such as
> <b> bold</b> or\n
> <i>italic</i> text. Please keep formatting to the minimum
> needed, however.\n
> \n
> The usage section is always the second section shown in a help page.\n
>          </usage>\n
> \n
>          <section id="sectionid" title="Generic section"
> short_title= "Generic">\n
> If you need to, you can add additional sections between the usage and
> settings sections.\n
> However, usually, you will not need this while documenting plugins.
> The "id "-attribute\n
> provides an anchor point to jump to this section from the navigation
> menu. The "short_title"\n
> attribute provides a short title to use in the navigation bar. This is
> optional, by default\n
> the main "title" will be used both as a heading to the section, and
> as the link name in the\n
> navigation bar.\n
> \n
> In any section you may want to insert links to further information.
> You do this by adding\n
> \n
> <link href="URL">link name</link>\n
> \n
> Where URL could be an external link such as .\n
> Several special URLs are supported in the help pages:\n
> \n
> <link href="rkward://page/path/page_id"/>\n
> \n
> This links to a top level rkward help page (not for a plugin).\n
> \n
> <link href="rkward://component/[namespace/]component_id"/>\n
> \n
> This links to the help page of another plugin. The [namespace/] part
> may be omitted\n
> (in this case, rkward is assumed as the standard namespace, e.g.:\n
> <link href="rkward://component/import_spss"/> or\n
> <link href="rkward://component/rkward/import_spss"/> are
> equivalent).\n
> The component_id is the same that you specified in the <link linkend=
> "pluginmap">&pluginmap;</link>.\n
> \n
> <link href="rkward://rhelp/rfunction"/>\n
> \n
> Links to the &r; help page on "rfunction".\n
> \n
> Note that the link names will be generated automatically for these
> types of links.\n
>          </section>\n
> \n
>          <settings>\n
>                  <caption id="id_of_tab_or_frame"/>\n
>                  <setting id="id_of_element">\n
> Description of the GUI element identified by the given id\n
>                  </setting>\n
>                  <setting id="id_of_elementb"
> title="description">\n Usually the title of the GUI element will
> be extracted from the\n <link linkend="mainxml">XML definition of the
> plugin</link>, automatically. However,\n
> for some GUI elements, this description may not be enough to identify
> them, reliably.\n
> In this case, you can add an explicit title using the "title"
> attribute.\n </setting>\n
>                  <setting id="id_of_elementc">\n
> Description of the GUI element identified by "id_of_elementc"\n
>                  </setting>\n
>                  [...]\n
>          </settings>\n
> \n
>          <related>\n
> The related section typically just contains some links, such as:\n
> \n
> <ul>\n
>          <li><link
> href="rkward://rhelp/mean"/></li>\n <li><link
> href="rkward://rhelp/median"/></li>\n <li><link
> href="rkward://component/related_component"/> </li>\n
> </ul>\n
>          </related>\n
> \n
>          <technical>\n
> The technical section (optional, always last) may contain some
> technical details of the plugin\n
> implementation, which are of interest only to RKWard developers. This
> is particularly relevant\n
> for plugins that are designed to be embedded in many other plugins,
> and could detail, which\n
> options are available to customize the embedded plugin, and which code
> sections contain which\n
> R code.\n
>          </technical>\n
> </document>
> =============
> That is all one mesage!
> A message like this one is almost untranslatable (translator getting 
> lost all the time), and  a translator's nightmare, and I strongly
> advise you (or: I beg you) to divide messages like this one into
> smaller chunks.
> Of course a translator can do this him/her self, copying a message
> like that into a wordprocessor, dividing it into translatable chunks,
> and after translating copying them back into the .po file (and
> checking all the line-ends).
> But a translator should be facilitated to do his/her job as
> comfortably as possible, if only to let the translations be as good
> as possible.
> Thanks for reading this, and I hope that you can do something about 
> this, even when a message like this one is included automatically. I
> do not complain only for myself, but also for the tens, or even
> hundreds, of translators all over the world who are confronted with
> messages like this monster.
> Greetings from Holland, sincerely,
> Jaap Woldringh
> Dutch translator for KDE

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