new handling of previews in rkwarddev

meik michalke Meik.Michalke at
Fri Jan 29 15:46:23 UTC 2016

hi again,

the rkwarddev package in the develop branch already deals with the new preview 
features, and the new approach of defining previews in JavaScript[1,2]. old 
plugin code should still run, but you will get begging warnings to move away 
from "doPrintout" and only use "printout" from now on. in many cases it should 
be enough to change the argument name accordingly in rk.JS.doc(), 
rk.plugin.component() or rk.plugin.skeleton().

if you're currently using "if(full)..." controls in your JavaScript code, that 
needs to changed into "if(!is_preview)...". let me know if you're running into 

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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