privews; moving package loading dialog?

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at
Thu Feb 25 20:51:03 UTC 2016


On Tue, 23 Feb 2016 21:23:21 +0100
meik michalke <meik.michalke at> wrote:
> firstly, i'd like to read some more suggestions on where to put the
> previews -- is evryone ok with the current placment?
> @aaron: does this re-introduce the space issues?
> @thomas: is configurability an option?

yes - if needed (it would mean some work).
> something different -- im working on my presentation for friday and
> noticed that i want to show the package installation and plugin
> cinfiguration dialogs, but skip the first tab where you can
> load/unload packages. i asked myself: why is that?
> i came to the conclusion that i never used it, probably never ever in
> all the years i'm working with RKWard. and that's not because it's
> not potentially useful, but because it feels too many clicks away. at
> least, compared to quickly typing a library() call. how about you?
> i then tried to think of a place where this functionality would need
> to be so i would actually use it from time to time. and i thought: in
> a new sidetab directly below the workspace and file browser. and
> instead of two lists and arrow buttons to "move" packages from
> available to loaded and back, i would like something really easy,
> like one list of package names with some indicator that marks
> currently loaded ones, and one-klick (or double-click)
> loading/unloading. what do you think?

You do have a point. It's probably something for the frameworks
version, though. Some idle brainstorming to help us arrive at a good

- What I do like about the current dialog is that it includes
  additionals info such as title, version, and install location. That
  might be too wide for a side-bar? (It's not any better in the current
  implementation, of course).
- *Unload* is already available from the context menu in the
  "Workspace"-window, and arguably, that is actually good enough. Could
  *load* be integrated into this, in a straightforward way?
- Since running "library(XY)" is easy enough (for users using the R
  console at all), the main "real" use-case might be one that we don't
  handle, yet: Defining which package should be loaded by default. A
  nice way to integrate this into the same control?

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