Previews - another new thread

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at
Tue Feb 2 13:10:10 UTC 2016


I'm lost trying to figure out where to reply in the previous thread, so
I'm starting a new one...

Please test the git branch work/preview_with_menu . What I did was:

- Move the previews to the left side of the dialog. Not bad, IMO,
  although I do think it is slightly confusing, particularly when any
  preview (code or other preview) is active by default.
- Make plot previews docked by default. Try any plot plugin.
- Add a tool-button to access the menu for the preview window.
  Obviously this still has a bunch of options that don't make much
  sense in this context, but importantly it also makes available
  important actions such as "Copy to output" and "Export".

There is no "undock" button, yet, and the wording is unchanged. I'd
worry about that later. Right now I need some feedback on the general
looks of it: Is this the way to go?

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