KF5 port doesn't start

meik michalke meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Tue Aug 16 10:26:35 UTC 2016


Am Montag, 15. August 2016, 22:42:45 CEST schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> Strange. Possibly a left-over /usr/local/bin/rkward from your manual
> build/install?

i always build *.deb packages if possible.

> Is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/ in your path? (It
> should not have to be --- edit: any more after yet another fix, now
> --- but as a last resort, the wrapper will try to find the frontend on
> the system path; try adding it, temporarily).

not necessary -- your last commit fixed it!

works great so far, some minor issues:

 - UTF-8 in the output file seems to be broken, i get "Erneut ausführen" as 
   run-again link

 - in the configuration dialog for the output, the field to chose a cusdom CSS 
   file is not empty but set to the startup working directory. it says "leave
   empty for default", so i assume it's neither using the default nor any
   other custom file

 - there's still a PHP debugging switch, does that still make sense?

and one other thing:

 - on http://developer.kde.org/~cfeck/portingstatus.html RKWard is listed with 
   the note "application .desktop filenames not yet updated to 'org.kde.'
   schema", is that just referring to
   /usr/share/applications/rkward-open.desktop and
   /usr/share/applications/rkward.desktop ?

apart from that, my first few days with a KF5 desktop are a bit mixed, but 
mostly positive. the move to the new kwallet was a bit of a headache (you 
should export XML copies *before* you upgrade, just to be able to re-import 
them easily if the migration fails); rekonq, qupzilla and roger router don't 
undertsnad the new kwallet API yet, which is annoying (rendering roger router 
useless). i miss the "watch content of a file" widget which i used to monitor 
syslogs with, and /proc/mdstat, but for that i found a much better alternative 
already (https://github.com/papylhomme/diskmonitor, filed a pull request to 
add debian packaging support). the calendar widget doesn't really do anything, 
but plasma 5.7 is supposed to fix this. kontact crashed a few times at the 
beginning, seems to run rather stable now, akonadi still gives me the creeps 
from time to time. but it's all harmless compared to the nightmare that 
migrating to KDE4 was. overall, the desktop feels more responsive.

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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