[rkward-devel] i18n of plugins in rkwarddev

meik michalke Meik.Michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Fri Sep 12 11:33:11 UTC 2014


Am Sonntag, 7. September 2014, 18:41:10 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> On Thursday 04 September 2014 09:46:07 Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> > Here's a first idea for the process:
> > - hide the localized pluginmaps in a subdirectory
> > - these files would follow some specific naming convention. Easiest would
> > be to have the lanuage code either at the start or at the end of the
> > filename. - English version (or default language version) will not
> > include the language code in the filename.
> > - add one top-level .pluginmap, which includes the proper localized
> > version
> > 
> > as follows:
> >   <require localized="true" file="po/xyz.pluginmap"/>
> > 
> > - RKWard looks for files matching that name, and loads the one matching
> > the
> > current language, if available, or the default one.
> > - Earlier versions of RKWard will simply overlook the
> > "localized"-attribute
> > and thus load the default language .pluginmap, as before.
> Ok, this is now an undocumented (and untested) feature in the development
> version. The localized versions should be called e.g.:
> de_DE.mystuff.pluginmap
> or
> de.mystuff.pluginmap
> (The algorithm is to prefer a language_COUNTRY match, if available, next a
> "plain" language match, next language_ANYTHING, next the default version of
> the .pluginmap).

i can't get it to work, RKWard complains it can't find the file referenced by 
<require>. i tried both

   <plugin>.pluginmap      # en default
   de.<plugin>.pluginmap   # de localised
 <plugin>.pluginmap        # requires "po/<plugin>.pluginmap"

as well as

   i18n.pluginmap          # requires "<plugin>.pluginmap"
   <plugin>.pluginmap      # en default
   de.<plugin>.pluginmap   # de localised
 <plugin>.pluginmap        # requires "po/i18n.pluginmap"

but to no avail :-( it partly *does* work if i leave the full english default 
in the top level pluginmap, though. RKWard then complains about parts being 
already defined and ignoring the second round of elements (the english ones of 
the top level map), but it does at least show the translated plugin.

have you tried it yourself? is there a working example?

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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