[rkward-devel] Endless errors starting up org.freedesktop.dbus-system on OSX

Aaron Batty abatty at sfc.keio.ac.jp
Thu Oct 16 21:49:13 UTC 2014

Hi guys; thanks for the attention to this.

> Question: Do you see a dbus-daemon process in your process list?
> > 7. On startup, RKWard itself calls
> >   launchclt -w /opt/rkward/Library/LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-
> > session.plist
> > 8. I suppose this connects to the system dbus-daemon.
> yes, this is the *session* bus. according to https://community.kde.org/Mac
> it
> should also be launched with "sudo"... but that portion hasn't changed in 2
> years, so let's assume this is not the reason.

Hmmm... I really wouldn't necessarily assume that. I don't get into the
Console/logs very often. The only reason I found it was that in March I had
to build an OSX web server and was testing bundles out on my home computer.
It's entirely possible this has been there for 2 years.

> @aaron: did you already see this happening before september 2014?

Yeah, I think I found it in March 2013, but kept forgetting to let you guys

> another idea: is it possible that installing the RKWard bundle several
> times
> (upgrades) and therefore running the postinstall script several time
> somehow
> messes this up?

That is a definite possibility, since all three of these Macs have had
several versions of RKWard at this point. I'll be with my stats class here
in a few hours; maybe I'll grab a Mac-using student (most of them anymore)
and take a look at their console.

One thing to check may be what happens after a reboot. Does the message
> start
> appearing right away, or only after doing something KDE-related?

Happens immediately after reboot.

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