[rkward-devel] [rkward-announce] Upcoming release, call for testing RKWard 0.6.1

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Sun Mar 17 15:21:19 UTC 2013


R 3.0.0 is scheduled for release on April 3, and it will bring some changes 
that will break RKWard 0.6.0. So it's time to get a new release of RKWard out 
of the door, and I would like to ask you for help in testing, packaging and 
translating. Details on available downloads, and a tentative release schedule 
can be found at 
as usual. The targetted release date is April 2. and I would like to ask 
you to provide feedback by March 24.

RKWard 0.6.1 will also include a nice number of new features, but most of 
these concern additions to the plugin infrastructure, that are not yet 
utilized by too many plugins. Visible changes include an improvde Data->Sort 
plugin, a new Data->Subset plugin (not entirely finished, yet, please take a 
look!), and better handling of pluginmaps (Settings->Configure RKWard-

Well, please test as much as possible, and report any issues that you find.

See the release schedule, above, for all relevant instructions and 
downloads. So far there is only a source package, and binary installers for 
Windows (one for use with R 2.15.x, one for use with R 3.0.0alpha). Some more 
binaries will hopefully trickle in during the next few days.

--- Translators ---

Now is a good time to start updating your translations. As usual, the deadline 
to send your updates ends with the testing phase on March 24, as we will be 
finalizing the soruces, shortly after. As a reminder, RKWard is now registered 
for translations on launchpad: https://translations.launchpad.net/rkward , and 
it is recommended to upload your translations, there. Sending translations by 
mail is also ok, of course.

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