[rkward-devel] R engine has died

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Fri Mar 15 08:35:18 UTC 2013


On Friday 15 March 2013, Raphael Dumas wrote:
> RKward crashed on my computer and it told me to send you an e-mail.
> I was trying to use the function dwtest on a linear model I had just
> estimated, but I was told it didn't recognize that function, so I
> alt-tabbed to chromium to learn more, and then it crashed.
> Let me know what else you might want.

- Some details on your setup: Most relevant info can be gathered by simply 
pasting the output of
- Is the problem reproducible?
- If so, can you provide a self-contained example, or step-by-step 
instructions of how the bug can be reproduced?

The examples from ?dwtest, and running dwtest() on a simple lm() are working 
fine, here. Alt-tabbing is not an issue, here, either.

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