[rkward-devel] failing tests

meik michalke Meik.Michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Fri Sep 21 16:06:46 UTC 2012


i started to look at the tests to work towards the next release. overall, from 
what i see:

 - NOTE: ad_test, cvm_test, pearson_test, sf_test, lillie_test and
   pareto_chart were skipped for now (missing libs)

 - tests for boxplots, boxplot_grouped, density_plot and correltation matrix
   still need to be adjusted because the plugins have changed

 - kpss_test and anscombe_test failed here because the results were slightly
   off the standards (looks plausible, but should be confirmed by someone 

 - i have some FAILS in rkward_application_tests and import_export_plugins 
   that look more severe:

FAIL in rkward_application_tests:

so far no clue what this tells me:
[1] "5,6d4"                                                                         
[2] "< Error in bindingIsActive(\"active.binding\", 
rkward::.rk.watched.symbols) : "
[3] "<   no binding for \"active.binding\""                                         

FAILS in import_export_plugins:

 [1] "1,4c1"                                                                                                 
 [2] "< Error in read.spss(\"import_export_plugins_testfile.sav\", 
to.data.frame = TRUE,  : "                
 [3] "<   error reading system-file header"                                                                  
 [4] "< Calls: local ... eval.parent -> eval -> eval -> eval -> eval -> 
read.spss -> .Call"                  
 [5] "< In addition: Warning message:"                                                                       
 [6] "---"                                                                                                   
 [7] "> Warning message:"                                                                                    
 [8] "6,7c3"                                                                                                 
 [9] "<   import_export_plugins_testfile.sav: position 1: Variable name begins 
with invalid character"       
[10] "< Error in HTML(x, file = htmlfile, ...) : object 'my.spss.data' not 
[11] "---"                                                                                                   
[12] ">   import_export_plugins_testfile.sav: position 1: Variable name 
character 4 is lowercase letter \337"

[1] "1,4d0"                                                                                                                     
[2] "< Error in attr(data[[col]], \".rk.meta\") <- \"Variable label 2 with 
some special chars: \\344\\366\\374#+\\337\\200\" : "
[3] "<   attempt to set an attribute on NULL"                                                                                   
[4] "< Calls: local ... eval -> eval -> eval -> rk.set.label -> eval -> eval"                                                   
[5] "< Error in HTML(x, file = htmlfile, ...) : object 'my.stata.data' not 

this is probably not so serious:
 [1] "1,10d0"                                                                  
 [2] "< Warning messages:"                                                     
 [3] "< 1: In eval.with.vis(ei, envir) :"                                      
 [4] "<   .Internal(eval.with.vis) should not be used and will be removed 
 [5] "< 2: In eval.with.vis(ei, envir) :"                                      
 [6] "<   .Internal(eval.with.vis) should not be used and will be removed 
 [7] "< Warning messages:"                                                     
 [8] "< 1: In eval.with.vis(ei, envir) :"                                      
 [9] "<   .Internal(eval.with.vis) should not be used and will be removed 
[10] "< 2: In eval.with.vis(ei, envir) :"                                      
[11] "<   .Internal(eval.with.vis) should not be used and will be removed 

viele grüße :: m.eik

  dipl. psych. meik michalke
  abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
  institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
  geb"aude         |  tel +49 (0)211 8113498
  d-40204 d"usseldorf          |  fax +49 (0)211 8111753

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