[rkward-devel] ANOVA plugin

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Oct 27 07:36:38 UTC 2011


On Wednesday 26 October 2011, meik michalke wrote:
> also, i've added the JS for the generic plot options in the interaction
> plot. there i was wondering, (how) can i deactivate parts of the embedded
> plugin options? e.g., can i "tell" the embedded plugin that it shouldn't
> even show the lines/colors tab at all, because they are not really useful
> here? <set> or <attribute> seem to go into that direction, but they don't
> work on embedded plugins, right?

they do. Basically, an embedding plugin can access anything inside an embedded 
plugin, but not the other way around. Of course, this can be "risky", since it 
assumes that the internals of the embedded plugin will never change. So you 
should not do that. But the plot options plugin offers a sort of "API" for 
exactly this purpose, by providing some documented properties to connect to. 
"allow_type" is the one that you're looking for, above. See the "technical" 
section of the help page for plot options.

As an example, here's what box_plot.xml does:
		<connect client="plotoptions.xvar" governor="x.available"/>
		<set id="plotoptions.allow_type" to="true"/>
		<set id="plotoptions.allow_ylim" to="true"/>
		<set id="plotoptions.allow_xlim" to="false"/>
		<set id="plotoptions.allow_log" to="false"/>	
		<set id="plotoptions.allow_grid" to="true"/>

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