[rkward-devel] rkward fatal crash

Dan McCloy drmccloy at uw.edu
Sun Nov 6 17:25:58 UTC 2011

reproduced within RKWard, and similar crash when R run in the terminal
(with slightly different error message, see below).  I'll contact Simon.

 *** caught segfault ***
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: strwidth(legend, units = "user", cex = cex)
 2: legend("topleft", legend = leg, bty = "n", inset = 0.02, cex = 0.75)

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspaceg
4: exit R saving workspace

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 04:55, Thomas Friedrichsmeier <
thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sunday 06 November 2011, Dan McCloy wrote:
> > What I was doing at the time:
> >
> > Had just been tweaking a set of seven graphs to plot in a 4x2 layout
> using
> > par(mfcol=).  The graphs were fairly simple scatterplots with Lowess
> > curves.  I had gotten all the axes and cex values to where I wanted them,
> > and closed the X11 graph window and ran the whole set of graph commands
> > again with a CairoPDF() and dev.off() wrapper.  That's when the crash
> > occurred.  The PDF was initialized but remains at zero bytes.  The
> specific
> > code is included as an attachment.  Note that I had the following
> packages
> > loaded: Cairo, Hmisc.
> [...]
> > let me know if i can be of further help in tracking down the source of
> this
> > error.
> thanks for your detailed bug report.
> I don't have the data objects needed to run the example. I inserted some
> dummy
> plots, instead, but that did not cuase any problems.
> This crash might have been RKWard's fault, or it might have been a crash
> inside Cairo. Since, as far as I understand, no on-screen device was
> active at
> the time, I believe it is rather likely to be the latter.
> Here are some things for you to test:
> - If you run the same code again, does the crash happen, again?
> - If you run the same code in a "plain" R session on the terminal, what
> happens?
> If you can reproduce the bug, *and* you can also reproduce it in a
> terminal R
> session, then I suggest to report the bug to the maintainer of the Cairo
> package (Simon Urbanek). If you can reproduce the bug, but only inside
> RKWard,
> it would be very helpful, if you could send me the data objects.
> If you cannot reproduce the bug, then unfortunately, there is not much
> anybody
> can do about it.
> Regards
> Thomas
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