[rkward-devel] experimental plugin (text analysis)

meik michalke meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Sun Apr 24 23:01:11 UTC 2011


i've just released the first public version of my new R package and RKWard 
plugin, it's called "koRpus". it's mainly targeted at (psycho)linguists with 
an interest in readability formulas and lexical diversity research. you can 
tell by the low version number (0.01-1) that it's far from finished... it's 
rather bleeding edge, but it actually does a lot already. but be aware that 
we're only just starting to validate its actual calculations, so don't build 
on its results just yet ;-)

another obstacle for the time being is its dependency on a third party tool it 
uses for tokenizing and part-of-speech tagging. so if you really want to play 
you'll have to install TreeTagger as well, on your own. for those millions who 
already use TreeTagger: here you have the R wrapper you always dreamed 
about... 8-)

of course you don't need neither the actual R package nor TreeTagger to look 
at the plugin itself. to check it out try the "install add-on plugin packs" 
link in the RKWard configuration, i've already added it to the hot new stuff 
collection. otherwise, find it here (and some screenshots, too):
 o http://reaktanz.de/index.php?content=hacking&subcat=RKWard#koRpus

if you're feeling lucky, also grab the actual R package, e.g.
 install.packages("koRpus", repo="http://R.reaktanz.de/koRpus/")
 o http://r.reaktanz.de/koRpus/koRpus.pdf
project page (still german, but lists most of the implemented measures):
 o http://reaktanz.de/?c=hacking&s=koRpus

and TreeTagger:

viele grüße :: m.eik

dipl. psych. meik michalke
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at 40225 d"usseldorf
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