[rkward-devel] Fwd: [rkward-users] Proposition of changes on crosstabulation plugin

Andrés Necochea yayopoint at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 19:27:51 UTC 2011

2011/4/2 Thomas Friedrichsmeier <thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de>

> Makes sense. On the other hand, thinking about it, I guess the conversion
> to
> ftable() does not belong into the bind.tables() function at all. It's
> merely
> something to format the table for printing.

So, instead, I think the basic pattern should be
>  output[[i]] <- bind.tables ("counts"=..., "% or row"=...)
>  rk.print (ftable (output[[i]], col.vars=2))

I agree I will change this

I think you can simplify the addition of margins by using the "margin"-
> parameter of addmargins. Then you would not need to add margins to each
> statistic, separately, but rather
>  addmargins (output[[i]], margin=1:2)
> (untested).

It should work I will make some tests at nigth

> Also, the rounding can probably be done for the whole table at once, rather
> than separately for each statistic.

I recently discoverd that round can be indicated in the parameters of HTML,
so is posible to use rk.print(x, digits=2)
I will change this when I get some time

>You will have noted that I did not arrive at the current
>solution at once, either.

I'm not part of the active developement team, I'm only make R functions or
modifications to the rkward plugins for my own use, but I want to share it
because I think that some one may need it. I still think that this plugin
must be considerd as a mock up, or something like this. It could be submited
to a repository of rkward plugins as a fork or a modification of the oficial
plugins, but not part of the default rkward package. I know that I'm only
learning how to write code in R and in java script, so my algorithms may not
be the most apropiated.

Besides, I finally make the .pluginmap file, so install the plugin should be
eassier. At now most of the items in the dialog has no effect on the output,
and I put it only to ilustrate which statistcs I planning to include. I will
try to do this job at nigth.

Amor y Paz
 _    _
 \\  //
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\\   ^^>

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