[rkward-devel] browser() call will freeze rkward?

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Wed Oct 6 04:07:55 UTC 2010


On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Matthieu Stigler
<matthieu.stigler at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 05. 10. 10 09:42, Thomas Friedrichsmeier a écrit :
> Hi,
> On Monday 04 October 2010, Matthieu Stigler wrote:
> I have problems with the newest version of rkward, when I use a
> browser() call within a function, the cursor is then freezing and
> strangely, the workaround is to switch to another program and come back,
> then the cursor will be available.
> Try at least two times (does not happen first time, and not always
> subsequent times), something like:
> I tried your example several times with R 2.11.1 and R 2.12.0beta, but could
> not observe any freezing.

I can not reproduce this either. Tried multiple times.

> mhh.. did you type n in the opened browser?

I did.

> Which version of R? Linux / Windows?
> R 2.11.1, with Ubuntu 10.4, Kde 4.4.2

On my end, R 2.11.1, Debian/sid KDE 4.4.5

> Should I type the example in the R
> Console or from a script window?
> I did from the script window
> Do you see freezing while the "R backend requests information" dialog is
> shown, or after that (you do see that dialog, right?)? Does that mean you
> cannot type anything, or is it just a graphical problem?
> after, when closed and coming back to normal script. Either on console or
> script, cursor is blocked, and I need to go to another software and come
> back so see it activated
> Regards
> Thomas


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