[rkward-devel] A not about KatePart

Dominik Haumann dhdev at gmx.de
Sat May 1 15:53:41 UTC 2010

Hi RKWard developers,

recently I have blogged about the SmartInterace, SmartCursor and SmartRange
in the KTextEditor interfaces [1]. In summary, from KDE SC 4.6 on KatePart
will not implement this interface classes anymore. This means that

  KTextEditor::SmartInterface* si = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::SmartInterface>(doc)

will return a null-pointer. As explained in the API documentation of the
SmartInterface [2] you always have to check whether the pointer is null.
RKWard is not doing that.

In sumary:
- check, whether an interface pointer is valid
- from KDE SC >= 4.5 we have a replacement called MovingInterface, MovingCursor
  and MovingRange. Please switch to it as soon as possible. (You can do that
  already now if you use trunk).

For your app this means
- for the current version, you have to communicate that it works onls up to KDE SC 4.5.
- if you migrate to Moving* interface classes, your app works for >= KDE SC 4.5

Migrating to the Moving* interface classes is very easy. You can more or
just replace Smart* by Moving* and are almost done.

To learn more about why KatePart will drop Smart* for KDE SC >= 4.6, please
read [1].

If you need further infos, please use kwrite-devel for further discussion.
CC: kwrite-devel


[1] http://dhaumann.blogspot.com/2010/04/kate-internals-smart-cursors-and-smart.html
[2] http://api.kde.org/4.4-api/kdelibs-apidocs/interfaces/ktexteditor/html/classKTextEditor_1_1SmartInterface.html#_details

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