[rkward-devel] One more preview release: RKWard 0.5.3-pre3

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Sat Apr 24 04:41:49 UTC 2010


2010/4/23 Germán Márquez Mejía <manchito at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> And one more, concerning the package manager:
> When installing packages onto user directory instead of system wide, there
> seems to be a hidden warning which triggers the "There were errors /
> warnings..." red message no matter which package is currently being
> installed. As an example, I can't see anything strange in the following
> output, but the message is still triggered:

I think Thomas had mentioned something on this a while back.
Basically, if I understand correctly (see ?sink):

"... Normal R output (to connection ‘stdout’) is diverted by the
     default ‘type = "output"’.  ...  Messages sent to ‘stderr()’
     (including those from ‘message’, ‘warning’ and ‘stop’) ..."

And if the download / make process is spitting out using message(...)
then we can not know if it is just a message, a warning, or an error!


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