[RkWard-devel] ".not" as a property for convert id

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 22:51:44 UTC 2007


On Thursday 29 March 2007 06:23:07 pm Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> > it. It would good to document it may be somewhere in the "Properties of
> > plugin elements" section of the writing_plugins_introduction.docbook"
> technically it's a "modifier", not a property.  And it is documented 
> under "boolean properties", here:
> http://rkward.sourceforge.net/documents/devel/plugins/reference.html#proper
>tytypes . But no, it's not too easy to find... Any idea on where this info
> would fit in nicely?

Though it is a modifier it "behaves" as a property for "blah_id":
	<convert id="blah_id" .../>
I personally keep referring to the big list in the Appendix at the end of the 
help, hence I suggested in the "Properties of plugin elements" section, may 
be with a note that it is a modifier and linking to the details given 
earlier "Types of properties/modifiers" section. 

> Also note, that - unfortunately - modifiers are a bit tricky to use. For
> instance, if you have a checkbox like this:
> 	<checkbox id="cb" value_unchecked="0" value="1" checked="true" .../>
> cb.state.not will be the *string* "0". Writing something like
> 	<convert ... mode="and" sources="bla.state;cb.state.not"/>
> will not work as expected, unfortunately, which greatly limits its
> usefulness. I guess I'll have to work on this some more, some day.
> Regards
> Thomas


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