[RkWard-devel] need a little help..

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 22:58:30 UTC 2007


On Thursday 22 March 2007 05:14:06 pm Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> - The closing '})' of the try() is indented, but shouldn't be
> - In F and Weibull, the
> 	if ($fun == "hist)
> is indented by two spaces instead of a tab
> -  the line
> 	else	$normMuSigma_tag = ...
> has a tab after the else, instead of a space.


> Talking about perfection, though - will we ever get there? I just found
> another small thing which is copied in all plugins, and we've never
> noticed, while we've all seen it: "Nomral Curve Options" -> "Normal Curve
> Options".

Great, fixed in all the xml files. 

> I see. What I feel is a bit strange about this, however, is that you
> "allow" to chose a bad value in the spinbox, and then disallow this again
> in a second step. As another option, maybe put up a static "note" to the
> same effect in that unused space, instead of a dynamic error message, and
> limit the range of the spinbox.

Actually, I had gone the static way first time. But for some reason the 
dynamic text display looked better! Anyway, I will go back to your 

> Ok, here's that idea I had a little too late. Perhaps it's not worth the
> effort to change this at this point, but here it is:
> The plugins are all very similar, internally, and in fact, much of it is
> copy-and-paste. Right now the problem is that every little issue we find
> likely needs fixing in all plugins. And if we want to add some extensions
> later on, or change e.g. the try() statements, likely we'll have to visit
> all plugins one by one, again. So could we use more common code, instead of
> writing basically the same, everywhere? I think we could.
> I'm attaching two PHP files. The one is called plot_clt_common.php and
> contains everything that is common for all clt plugins. This would be
> included in all "real" clt plugins. The second is what plot_t_clt.php would
> then look like. What do you think, should we do it this way?

YES, this is a much better and modular approach. I think we should go for this 
method. I will try to make in over tonight. Should this plot_clt_common.php 
be in the same folder as the other plot_*_clt.php  files?

> Note that a lot of the XML is also the same in all plugins, but right now I
> don't see any good way to abstract all the common parts there, beyond what
> you already do by embedding the histogram_options and plot_stepfun_options
> plugins.

Well, if we can find a better way, we'll look into it then.


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