[RkWard-devel] cor_grap

SJR stefan_roediger at gmx.de
Fri Jan 12 15:35:10 UTC 2007

Am Freitag, 12. Januar 2007 11:46 schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> On Friday 12 January 2007 02:29, SJR wrote:
> > I just saw cor_graph is there. I adopted Makefile.am accordingly and
> > sorted the menu entries from the plots.pluginmap in alphabetical order.
> > But right now I wonder if I did right because we have feature freeze? I
> > guess I have to hold it for the next time (at least the Makefile.am),
> > right?
> > Therefore I won't send it out until I know how to behave correctly.
> Just go ahead and commit. In your commit message you might want to add a
> comment like "not for 0.4.5" (but for this commit, I'm "warned", anyway).
> That's the point of keeping the two different SVN branches. We can make all
> sorts of changes in trunk, and every once in a while I merge the relevant
> ones to the 0.4.5 branch.
> Regards
> Thomas

Fine, I'll do so.
BTW, I need some information. How to access the developmental branch 
(ksvn+https://rkward.svn.sourceforge.net/s ... ) ? Or is the current 
considered as the developmental?

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