[RkWard-devel] Need some clarification

SJR stefan_roediger at gmx.de
Tue Feb 6 17:57:46 UTC 2007

Hi there
yesterday I changed in corr_matrix.php the line

rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list ("Method", "<? getRK 
("method"); ?>", "Exclusion", <? echo ($use); ?>))


rk.header ("Correlation Matrix", parameters=list ("Method", "<? getRK 
("method"); ?>", "Exclusion", "<? getRK ("use"); ?>"))

because "use" wasn't handed over to rk.header (and I assumed this is the right 
way to do so). Now Thomas changed it back and defined use global in function 
printout () {} (which obviously makes sense). Actually I do not understand 
why THIS is the way to go. And why doesn't this apply to "method"? What do I 


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