[RkWard-devel] Distribution plots done. (testing needed)

Prasenjit Kapat kapatp at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 07:58:17 UTC 2007


Finally I have completed my work on the distribution plots. Modifications in 
this version are:

[1] distribution.pluginmap: "Beta Distribution" to "Beta". Similarly for all 
the distributions. (change in menu entries).

[2] distribution.pluginmap: extra space in Wilcoxon menu entries removed.

[3] plot_*_distribution.rkh: Help files for all the distributions created. 
Detailed description given for "Plot Beta distribution"  and the rest linked 
to it. Please read the Beta help file and comment.

[4] plot_options.{xml,rkh}: Help file for plot_options created. That means 
adding the line <help file=plot_options.rkh/> to plot_options.xml and also 
adding a few id components to the tab pages(Title and Axes).


1. plot_options.xml: xlim/ylim not restricted to be real.

2. plot_options.xml: checkboxes for "interpret as R expression" not initially 
disabled for main/sub title, like it is done for xlabel and ylabel.

3. plot_options.{php,xml}: The tab character is interpreted literally in the 
input fields (like xlab/ylab/xlim/ylim etc.) instead of changing the focus to 
the next field.

4. plot_options.php: Interpret as R expression is not quite transparent. It 
would be better to use, expression() in the php code itself. As of now, 
expression(..) needs to be literally typed into the input box.

5. Should closing the parent plugin close the embeded plugins too? As of now, 
such is not the case.
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