[RkWard-devel] RKWard 0.4.2pre1: Call for testing, question

Ilias Soumpasis nono.231 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 20:00:32 UTC 2006

I downloaded and tried it. It seems great. I like very much that graph
can be copied at the output, which is more than satisfing to the
request I made for plots to be passed at the output, because someone
could check first if the plot is ok before coppying it.

I worked with the translation, translated the new strings and changed
those who needed change, so I send the el.po file attached.

One final thing. There is a package (don't know if you are aware of)
called xtable.This gives the results in format that can be used at
latex/html documents. I don't know if this could help somewhere,
reducing some of the jobs to be done. Also I don't know if there is a
way (with something like xtable package or something else) to embed
some results from a command from the console to the output (something
like the copy to the output utility for graphics). It is just an idea,
hope it is useful.
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