[RkWard-devel] Re: RKWard-devel digest, Vol 1 #121 - 4 msgs
Prasenjit Kapat
kapatp at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 11:20:05 UTC 2005
> that's what it needs, libxinerama-dev should be the package you need to
Ok, libxinerama-dev solves the problem. Everything goes fine and I can
start rkward from the shell prompt. Following is the output I get.
~/tmp/rkward-0.3.4$ rkward &
[1] 22525
~/tmp/rkward-0.3.4$ Debug-flags as decimal: 8191
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XML-parsing 'plugins/standard_plugins.pluginmap' : Could not open file
for reading
XML-parsing 'plugins/standard_plugins.pluginmap' : Error parsing
XML-file. Error-message was: 'unexpected end of file' in line '1',
column '1'. Expect further errors to be reported below
Now /usr/share/apps/rkward/ does contain the
standard_plugins.pluginmap so does the folder,
"~/tmp/rkward-0.3.4/rkward/plugins/". Should the entire rkward-0.3.4
folder be moved to some 'common' place like /usr/local/ or
/usr/share/local/ ??
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