KHealthCertificate in Gear

Albert Astals Cid aacid at
Mon Aug 28 23:07:34 BST 2023

El divendres, 25 d’agost de 2023, a les 16:15:13 (CEST), Volker Krause va 
> Hi,
> it looks like we missed KHealthCertificate (
> khealthcertificate) when dissolving Mobile Gear, and it's currently not
> covered by automated releases. This went unnoticed as it hasn't gotten API
> changes recently, only a few data updates, but I'd like to fix this as we
> have things depending on it.
> So I'd suggest we include it in 23.12, assuming we don't want to add things
> to the 23.08 series at this point.

Seems it was done on purpose?

I don't particularly mind if it goes in KDE Gear but whoever wrote that table 
seems that decided it's not what was wanted for KHealthCertificate?


> Thanks,
> Volker

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