Fwd: [bugs.kde.org] [Bug 445822] New: KMail currently at 5.18.3, but the bug reporter only has options upto 5.16.3
Sandro Knauß
sknauss at kde.org
Sun Nov 21 22:43:32 GMT 2021
well we have this mapping already in repo-metadata and project-api ;) look
repo-metadata see bugzilla entry for each repo:
The propper solution would either use either repo-metadata or project-api to
get the needed bugzilla products. You may also add the metadata first to the
repo, if KMail is more or less the only exception, it should be easy ;) I can
update the metadata, if someone can tell me how to get a list of all repos
inside KDE Gear and I'll also check if this bugzilla urls are really valid...
If the add versions to bugzilla is a python script I can also help there to
implement an solution with repo-metadata or projects-api.
> To my knowledge, KMail is the only project/product that uses a Bugzilla
> product name that is different from the repository name.
> It is therefore the sole exception to that rule.
There are also some repos that are bundeled together into one product, but as
the main product has also its own repo, that's why it wasn't noticed yet. e.g.
* akonadi-search -> product: akonadi, component: indexer
* akonadiconsole -> product: akonadi, component: akonadiconsole
well there are some other exceptions in frameworks (instead of frameworks-
* extra-cmake-modules -> component: extra-cmake-modules
* breeze-icons -> product: breeze, component: icons
* oxygen-icons -> product: oxygen, component: icons
* plasma-frameworks -> product: frameworks-plasma
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