Mailing list for KDE Applications developers?

Christoph Feck cfeck at
Mon Sep 4 00:42:20 UTC 2017


release-tools/PACKAGING_HOWTO suggests to inform developers of important 
dates for freezes via the "kde-cvs-announce" list.

These days, only a part of the developers that are subscribed to this 
list are interested in KDE Applications coordination.

Do we have (or need) a separate list to reach all (but only) 
developers/maintainers of repositories that are part of the KDE 
Applications releases? "kde-applications-devel" similar to 
"plasma-devel" and "kde-frameworks-devel".

I remember a recent developer doing commits to the master branches, 
because he missed a notification that 17.08 was already branched.

Christoph Feck

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