Future frameworks releases

Christian Mollekopf chrigi_1 at fastmail.fm
Tue Jun 9 08:28:48 UTC 2015

On Monday 08 June 2015 10:07:40 Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> On 08/06/15 01:28, David Faure wrote:
> > The thread "Versioning of Frameworks" on kde-frameworks-devel has led to
> > the idea that some future frameworks (coming from the kdepim world) would
> > not be part of every Frameworks release, and would have their own
> > versioning scheme. This is at the request of their maintainer, Christian,
> > CC'ed.
> > 
> > For example:
> >   KF 5.12 would contain KImap 2.1
> >   KF 5.13 would not contain a KImap release
> That's the same as including KImap 2.1 in KF 5.13, so, why not adding the
> additional file to the KF 5.13 release (even though it hasn't changed)

Tooling problems aside (I don't know about those), that should indeed work 
perfectly fine and would mean packagers can simply grab the latest set of 
tarballs, ignoring what the versions look like.


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