Plasma Next alpha release engineering bits

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Wed Mar 5 12:24:29 UTC 2014

On Wednesday 05 March 2014 13:10:12 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> Hi,
> As we're planning to release the first alpha of Plasma Next next week, I'd
> like to go over some details that need discussing.
> - promo preparations
> - tagging / tarballing: can happen anytime on Thursday next week
> - smoke-testing of packages
> - rolling out packages on Monday, or sooner depending on testing?
> We'll need someone to roll the tarballs and put them on the download site.
> Who is willing to help here?
> Affected repositories:
> - plasma-framework
> - kde-workspace
> - kde-runtime
> - kwin-compositing-kcm

we will also need
- kwindowsystem
- frameworkintegration

kwindowsystem because there will be SC changes and we need to adjust kde-
workspace and I want to get those in as early as possible because of upcoming 
freeze in frameworks.

frameworkintegration for the QSystemTrayIcon - statusnotifier mapping

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