4.9 Release schedule

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at kde.org
Wed Feb 8 05:25:11 UTC 2012

On Tuesday 07 February 2012 23:03:57 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> Hi guys, are we releasing 4.9?
> Last i heard the Frameworks guys were aiming at some kind of release around
> Akademy time (which is kind of the same time we'd release 4.9 in a 6 months
> cycle). Obviously this means that either:
>  a) We release 4.9 not using frameworks at all (and using kdelibs 4.8
> renamed to 4.9 like we did this time)
>  b) We wait until frameworks is out
> I'm leaning towards a) since b) might end up meaning an undefinite delay.
My understanding of the whole frameworks development was that it does not 
disrupt the application development. Given that it has to be a) IMHO and that 
is also what I would personally prefer (as I doubt that we (kwin) can switch 
to Qt 5 without quite some work going into the porting).

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