Request for (minor) late feature commit, with strings

Jeffery MacEachern j.maceachern at
Fri May 13 11:10:27 CEST 2011


I have had a feature patch[0] in progress for a while, but just
finished it up at the last moment, and have not had the chance to get
any code review on ReviewBoard (with the exception of some discussion
on IRC with sreich, leading to the second revision). Pending approval
of the patch itself, I would like to request permission to push it in
for 4.7 slightly late. The feature is listed on the 4.7 Feature Plan,
should not be disruptive, and includes only two new strings. I caught
one small bug in the current patch, which I will be fixing soon, but
all of the functionality is present and operational.

 - Jeffery MacEachern


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