"All SVN changes" links in release changelogs

Frederik Schwarzer schwarzerf at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 12:54:13 CEST 2009

[Eike Hein | Wednesday 07 October 2009]

> the "all SVN changes" links in the module headers in re-
> lease changelogs have been broken for quite some time --
> the files linked to don't seem to exist. I guess who
> ever was in charge of generating them has stopped doing
> so. Does that someone -- or anyone else -- want to pick
> up again? :) Alternatively I'll be happy to take a stab
> at it, unless maybe ViewCVS can do this for us these
> days (i.e. we can just link to an auto-generated one)?

For the KDevelop news site, Amilcar always offers links like this.
Maybe that's something that can be worked upon.


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