KDE 4.2 and Qt 4.4 and qt-copy patches

Maciej Mrozowski reavertm at poczta.fm
Sat Jan 31 00:10:55 CET 2009

On Thursday 22 of January 2009 22:02:45 Olivier Goffart wrote:

> I sent an email in reply to dfaure, but it doesn't seems to have reached
> the mailing list.
> There is a notes in the qt-copy patches saying if they are included in Qt
> 4.4 branch. (or Qt 4.5, or none)
> Only released version are suported by QtSoftware support.
> But the point is that, for the KDE 4.2 release, there will be no released
> version of Qt containing some fixes that are very important for KDE
> stability. (Hence my email)

Is there any progress on that matter?
I'm one of Gentoo packagers, and we really would like to know which patches 
are recommended for 4.4 for distributions (from KDE4 point of view) - as 
there's no further release planned in that line.
So far we apply:
0248, 0254, 0256, 0262, 0263, and 0265
I guess all now-in-4.4-branch and now-in-4.5 should be safe but we would like 
not to guess. For example I found latest qt-copy patch (systray fix) - one of 
the most requested - only worsening situation (btw I don't need to rebuild 
whole KDE to make this patch work, do I?)


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