unresolved questions

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Sat Oct 20 14:37:39 CEST 2007

On Friday 19 October 2007 11:25:35 Dirk Mueller wrote:
> * which version number am I supposed to use for RC1 ? do we go with 4.0 ?
> Do we split the versioning between platform and desktop release? does the
> desktop get 4.1 when it is stable? Do we name it 3.95 ?

I would go with 4.0 for the platform (kdelibs, kdepimlibs, kdebase/runtime). 
I'm not sure about the dependencies in kdesupport. Who is releasing them?

For the rest of the desktop I think we should go with a version number 
3.something, because we have scheduled more pre-releases and the final 
release will only be in December. To keep things easy I would suggest to sync 
the libs version with the version of the rest with the final desktop release, 
so that the first stable release of the desktop would be something like 

> * obviously we don't want to release only the platform libraries on ftp,
> but also a new snapshot of the desktop. I am doing weekly snapshots which
> I'm uploading under unstable/ now, so in some way or another this has to be
> communicated.


> I'll be however in deep trouble if one of the modules require new API that
> got changed in kdelibs, and that will cause a module to fail compilation
> against that new release.

I guess we should release new versions of the libraries together with the 
desktop, so that we always have a consistent set.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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