4.0 Beta3 tarballs

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Wed Oct 10 02:22:34 CEST 2007


uploaded tarballs to ktown now. Announcement date next week, a day or two 
after 3.5.8 (aiming wednesday). 

I will announce if further changes are made to the tarballs. if you find 
problems, please let me know (or SVN revisions that are missing as well). 

Thanks a lot. Please help in making this a useful beta. 

some notes: 

a) it needs the new soprano, 1.95-beta2 as available on sourceforge
b) only tested with strigi 0.5.6 so far, though 0.5.5 should work
c) there is an extragear-plasma tarball now. we plan to release it with
KDE releases, but also interim. details need to be figured out. 
d) koffice is under unstable/koffice-1.9.94


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