[kde-ev-marketing] [Kde-hci] Suggested release schedule for KDE 4.0

Tom Chance tom at acrewoods.net
Sat Mar 10 11:09:56 CET 2007


On Friday 09 March 2007 11:19:40 Ellen Reitmayr wrote:
> On Thursday 08 March 2007 19:23, Dominik Haumann wrote:
> > this is a very important point Stephan Binner already brought up in his
> > blog 'Disambiguation "KDE 4", did you mean "KDE 4.0"?' - see also:
> > http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2600
> >
> > KDE4 != KDE4.0
> > very few (users?) are aware of this I fear :)
> That's why it is even more important to make sure that KDE4.0 is not a
> change for the worse compared to 3.5.6.

Indeed. No matter how carefully we craft and communicate the distinction, 
almost nobody will care. Everyone wants to get their hands on this nifty 
stuff we keep talking about. If it's at least as good as KDE 3.5.6, and shows 
the promise of the platform, we'll get away with it.


| Green Party Speaker on Intellectual Property and Free Software |
| http://tom.acrewoods.net    ::    http://www.greenparty.org.uk |

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