General Application Cleanup

Dirk Mueller mueller at
Tue Jun 5 14:33:35 CEST 2007

On Monday, 28. May 2007, Urs Wolfer wrote:

> I have made a initial list for kdenetwork. (Sorry for beeing so late, I
> have totally forgotten about this thread...)

Thanks for making this list. I'm wondering. will this list of removal 
candidates be announced somewhere, just to see if a maintainer would step up 
for them? (Sometimes it is a problem of new people not liking to touch other 
peoples code if they don't know that it is unmaintained). 

> KDict:
> * not maintained for the last (probably 6) years
> * small userbase: relatively few bugreports, even if the app is not in the
> best shape.

From feedback I know that there is a good userbase for a dictionary lookup. 
Some people prefer ksteak, some kdict. both are somehow broken, but it 
probably wouldn't be a lot of work for somebody to fix it and make it usable 


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