What to do about Kompare?

Tom Albers tomalbers at kde.nl
Tue Dec 11 12:08:09 CET 2007

Op Tuesday 11 December 2007 03:14 schreef u:
> If Kevin wants to take over maintenance, that's fine, but making  
> Kompare ready for KDE 4.0 seems like a goal not reachable considering  
> when the release is going to be.

Hi Matt, 

Seeing the recent mail about the current state of Kompare from Kevin, which basically tells us it is working and he seems to want to actively maintain the app, do you still have the same opinion? I agree it's pretty late, but if there is an active maintainer and the current stat is ok, I feel we should give Kevin the chance (and motivation) to work on it and include it in four point oh.


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