[rekonq] Data Sync Feature

Chris Knight cknite at knightmerica.net
Thu Dec 29 03:36:00 UTC 2011

Forgot to mention OpenSync as a possibility: http://opensync.org/

In fact, OpenSync has an Akonadi plugin already:

For syncing I propose the following solution:

*) Add akonadi support to rekonq (Loading of bookmarks from a local
bookmarks file)
*) Sync bookmarks resource via Akonadi

My second feature request was going to be importing of bookmarks from at
least Firefox. But, instead, with additional Akonadi resource modules for
the various bookmark data stores I previously laid out, we could sync with
any number of devices. If an Xmarks Akonadi resource were implemented for
instance, rekonq could sync with bookmarks on any web browswer supported by
Xmarks. With a Google Bookmarks resourrce, syncing with Chrome would be
possible. This path opens up all sorts of wonderful abilities to sync with
mobile devices.

Any comments or suggestion from KDE veterans would be appreciated...


Chris Knight
cknite at knightmerica.net

On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Chris Knight <cknite at knightmerica.net>wrote:

> Is anyone currently working on the data sync feature? According to the
> roadmap wiki on TechBase it appears not. I would be more than happy to
> implement this feature as I have just uninstalled firefox forever from my
> box after it's bi-monthly update nonsense has broken my xmarks/lastpass
> data syncing for the last time. Rekonq is quick, light, and I love it, but
> it really needs data syncing.
> Regarding syncing, we would first have to decide where to store the
> bookmarks:
> *) Google Bookmarks.
>     - Wiki mentions there is no API but apparently the api is known and
> quite simple:
>     - http://www.mmartins.com/mmartins/googlebookmarksapi/
> *) WebDAV
>     - Xmarks/LastPass uses WebDAV apparently as well.
>     -
> http://blog.barfoo.org/2009/05/03/firefox-hosting-xmarks-formerly-foxmarks-on-lighttpd/
> *) Digg:
>     - Certainly a possibility:
>     - http://apidoc.digg.com/w/page/17759000/FrontPage
> *) Firefox Sync: Another possibility.
>     - Centered around sharing bookmarks with mobile devices.
>     - Uses WPS style pin generation from the "original device" to pair
> additional "devices".
>     - Several implementations of the server are available, allowing for
> self-hosting of the sync repository.
>     - https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox_Sync
> *) Git
>     - Another possibility would be to simply commit changes to an xml
> representation of the sync data to a git or svn repo.
>     - Allows self hosting
> *) KDE Perfection (Akonadi + Wallet)
>     - The pentultimate KDE perfection: Store Bookmarks in Akonadi, Store
> passwords in Wallet:
>     - If only there was a way to sync 2 KDE wallets???
>     - Akonadi already has the ability to load local bookmarks from a
> bookmarks.xml file. I could envision rekonq using the Akonadi bookmarks
> resources and adding a module to load and store Bookmarks in any number of
> the above storage solutions.
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