[rekonq] Data Sync Feature

Chris Knight cknite at knightmerica.net
Thu Dec 29 02:45:11 UTC 2011

Is anyone currently working on the data sync feature? According to the
roadmap wiki on TechBase it appears not. I would be more than happy to
implement this feature as I have just uninstalled firefox forever from my
box after it's bi-monthly update nonsense has broken my xmarks/lastpass
data syncing for the last time. Rekonq is quick, light, and I love it, but
it really needs data syncing.

Regarding syncing, we would first have to decide where to store the

*) Google Bookmarks.
    - Wiki mentions there is no API but apparently the api is known and
quite simple:
    - http://www.mmartins.com/mmartins/googlebookmarksapi/

*) WebDAV
    - Xmarks/LastPass uses WebDAV apparently as well.

*) Digg:
    - Certainly a possibility:
    - http://apidoc.digg.com/w/page/17759000/FrontPage

*) Firefox Sync: Another possibility.
    - Centered around sharing bookmarks with mobile devices.
    - Uses WPS style pin generation from the "original device" to pair
additional "devices".
    - Several implementations of the server are available, allowing for
self-hosting of the sync repository.
    - https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox_Sync

*) Git
    - Another possibility would be to simply commit changes to an xml
representation of the sync data to a git or svn repo.
    - Allows self hosting

*) KDE Perfection (Akonadi + Wallet)
    - The pentultimate KDE perfection: Store Bookmarks in Akonadi, Store
passwords in Wallet:
    - If only there was a way to sync 2 KDE wallets???
    - Akonadi already has the ability to load local bookmarks from a
bookmarks.xml file. I could envision rekonq using the Akonadi bookmarks
resources and adding a module to load and store Bookmarks in any number of
the above storage solutions.
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