[rekonq] Re: Question to GCI task

Benjamin Poulain benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Sun Dec 12 20:54:25 CET 2010

On 12/12/2010 02:43 PM, ext anglov wrote:
> I am student, who claimed GCI task "Open selected URLs/links in a web page in
> new tabs"
> I know how can I do this, but I have a problem. I don't know how can I get URL
> adress from selected text. When I use selectedText() it's give me only plain
> text. I don't find another function, witch returns url's (or text with HTML).
> Have you any idea how can I do this?

Isn't that problem already solved by 

There is no other function to get the selection with DOM info. It is a 
known limitation of QtWebKit. A workaround sometimes used by customer is 
executing JavaScript in the page context to get the selection object. 
This is not a solution for Rekonq since JavaScript can be disabled by 
the user.


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