[rekonq] Re: Contribute

Benjamin Poulain benjamin.poulain at nokia.com
Sun Dec 12 20:48:33 CET 2010

On 12/12/2010 06:30 PM, ext Felix Rohrbach wrote:
> I would like to contribute to the KDE development, but I'm still relatively
> new to programming. I thought about choosing rekonq for my first contributes as
> I use it day to day and because I think it might not be too hard to code for.
> As I found no junior jobs on bugs.kde.org I would like to ask you if you have
> some tasks and features that are easy enough for me and that will get me into
> the project (or to say to me that rekonq coding is too hard for a newbie like
> me;-)  ).

I would say the first thing to look for is something you don't like in 
Rekonq. Or something you like in an other browser and you don't have in 

But if you are short on problems to solve:
-in the context menu of a page, change "Page Source" to "View Page 
source" (easy)

-add a shortcut to "Page source" (Ctrl+U) (easy)

-refactor the MainView to completely decouple the tab bar. Ideally, I 
would like an independant TabBar and MainView. The main problem being 
implementing the corner widget (more advanced, ask for more info if you 
want to do that).


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